About Me

Kim Kordonowy was an “Air Force Brat”, who grew up in many locations including Tokyo, Japan. Her grandmother, an artist, was an early inspiration, as was her mother, a seamstress and crafter. Kim received a B.S at the University of Missouri in Interior Design and worked as a professional designer and member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) for 10 years. She and her husband, Paul, continued to move to several locations including Europe, while they raised three children.

After moving back to Missouri, she began taking classes in fine art at St. Louis Community College in 1997, accruing over 72 earned hours in pottery, watercolor, drawing, design, and oil painting. She was a student of Mark Weber and several fine St. Louis based artists. She was an active board member of the St. Louis Artists’ Guild, participating in multiple juried shows and exhibits throughout St. Louis and surrounding communities. She had several solo shows, received juried awards, and conducted workshops and demos. For the last 15 years, she painted with a dedicated group of artists who exhibit their work throughout the St. Louis, Wildwood area.

Kim is an experimental artist. Over time, she has developed a multimedia process embedding her sister’s quilt scraps into her acrylic washes, finished with oils. This has become her signature style. It gives her an opportunity to combine a love of pattern and textiles along with the versatility of acrylics and oils to create texture, value and interest. Her subject matter is the natural world, and she has a particular interest in painting dogs, birds, and fish in motion.

Kim and Paul recently retired in Connecticut to be closer to their kids, and her work can be seen in the Spectrum Gallery.